Friday, May 9, 2008

Blogging Notes: Wave 3

Some blogging notes;

First Study: September 2006 (wave 1)
Second Study: June 2007 (wave 2)
Third Study: March 2008 (wave 3)

- More movement towards participation
- More demand for on-demand media (video clips/podcasts)
- Asian markets are leading in participatory terms
- 57% [of people] have joined a social network, skyrocketing it to the number one platform for content creation/sharing
- Blogs have become a mainstream media world-wide
- 36% [of people] think more positively about companies that have blogs
- If you're not using the internet regularly, you're not blogging (horse hockey!)
- Over time, all users increase the regularity of usage
- Vast majority of users are 16 - 54 years of age
- 77% [of users] read blogs - up 11% from wave 2
- Blogs have a 70% weekly reach
- 31% [of users] feel that blogging is an important way to socialise with friends.
- Blogs have become an essential reputation building tool that give the appearance of honesty to companies
- Blogs have become a great outlet for advertising, not only for money that it brings to the blogger, but as means to increase interest in a product
- 31% to 82% global reach seen in all markets for video sharing
- Very high frequency medium (video sharing), with 71% weekly reach
- Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a key in technology in social media, allowing users to reproduce and share content with ease
- Social Medias can be used to create a dialogue with consumers
- Embracing social platforms as a part of your communications mix; blogs, networks, video/photo sharing, etc


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